Cataract Surgery

Before Surgery Checklist:

  • 10 days before: Go to your primary doctor for pre-op evaluation.

  • 5 days before: Begin thoroughly cleaning your eyelids with eye wipes (Ocusoft or Ivisia) every night for 5 days before surgery, making sure to clean eyelashes and around the eyes.

  • 2 days before: Pick up and begin medication, you will use 2 of your 3 drops before surgery.

  • Night before surgery: Begin fasting at midnight. No food or liquids until after the surgery. Stop all medication except blood pressure medication, you may get blood pressure medication with a sip of water in the morning.

  • Morning of surgery: Bathe or shower in order to minimize infection. Wear clean and loose fitting clothing.

  • If applicable: Fill out the medical passport and hand it to medical staff at the surgery center.

  • Stop taking certain medications in the days leading up to your surgery, discuss this with your doctor (See bottom of page).

  • Smoking: Smoking is highly discouraged as it is harmful to your health as well as the others in your household. Patients should not smoke for at least 24-48 hours before their surgery as it can cause complications with the anesthesia.

Our staff at Hashemi Eye Care want you to have the best possible experience! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns do not hesitate to contact us by phone, at (818)-387-6565, or by email, at

Medications Discontinue
Ketorolac 1 day prior to procedure
Ibuprofen 1 day prior to procedure
Etodolac 2 day prior to procedure
Indomethacin 2 day prior to procedure
Xarelto 3 day prior to procedure
Edoxaban 3 day prior to procedure
Aspirin 4 day prior to procedure
NSAIDS 4 day prior to procedure
Pradaxa 4 day prior to procedure
Eliquis 4 day prior to procedure
Naproxen 4 day prior to procedure
Meloxicam 4 day prior to procedure
Coumadin 5 day prior to procedure
Brilinta 5 day prior to procedure
Diclofenac 5 day prior to procedure
Relafen 6 day prior to procedure
Plavix 7 day prior to procedure
Effient 7 day prior to procedure
Daypro 10 day prior to procedure
Feldene 10 day prior to procedure